Youth Rugby
We are currently trying to put together a high school boys club side. This will consist of high school aged boys aged 18 and under from Springfield and all surrounding cities.
Matches will be held in the spring and we will aim to compete against teams in Kansas City, St. Louis, Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma, and beyond.
We are currently gathering resources and would like any help we can get. Please reach out to us if you'd like to play, coach, donate, sponsor, or offer any other resource.
Girls Rugby in Missouri
All high school and youth rugby in Missouri is overseen by the Missouri Youth Rugby State Based Organization (SRO), MY Rugby.
To encourage growth of the game, high school girls play the 7s format of the game. The season takes place in the fall with several one day tournaments being played throughout September and October. The state champion is crowned in early November.
This is an exciting time in USA Rugby. Every year more colleges add rugby as a varsity sport complete with scholarships. Springfield's own Drury University is adding school supported rugby programs for both men and women.
Please contact springfieldwrugby@gmail.com for more information.
Rugby's Values
World Rugby has set out a list of core values aimed at preserving rugby's unique character and ethos both on and off the field.
Integrity is central to the fabric of the game and is generated through honesty and fair play.
Rugby people have a passionate enthusiasm for the game. Rugby generates excitement, emotional attachment and a sense of belonging to the global rugby family.
Rugby provides a unifying spirit that leads to life-long friendships, camaraderie, teamwork, and loyalty which transcends cultural, geographic, political and religious differences.
Discipline is an integral part of the game both on and aoff the field and is reflected through adherence to the laws, the regulations and rugby's core values.
Respect for teammates, opponents, match officials, and those involved in the game is paramount.